Factory Quarter Community Hub
Thank you for the experience
Our operation in the Factory Quarter Community Hub has now ended. It has been a fantastic experience.
What should have been a 6 weeks trial turned into a 3 months pop-up full of life. The Hub quickly became a place to hang for a lot of members of the community fighting loneliness and building stronger local ties, an organising catalyst for people to come forward and organise events for their neighbours, a place for young people to play, and for people to be without labels or expectations.
It’s been a privilege, an honour and a real labor of love. We feel very grateful for all the connections, the experience and the warmth we’ve benefited from.
Thank you for welcoming us with open arms and thank you to all our partners.
Some numbers
3 months of operations, 4 days per week from the 10 Sep 2022 to the 11 Dec 2022.
Over 2,500 visitors.
70 events & workshops and over 620 participants.
8 staff on a London Living Wage, 12 volunteers, and 3 local artisans.
Over 430 kg of clothes & toys swapped, donated, and redistributed to local charities.
Countless rescued food donated to the local community.
A safe and welcoming space entirely build and furnished with secondhand and upcycled furniture.
Our impact report will be released soon.